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Honeypot Field to Catch Bots

Ensure compliance with the full PRIIPs transaction cost calculation method

In January 2025, the regulation exemption period, which accepts the New PRIIPs calculation method (applying the AFG spread table), comes to an end and all PRIIPs transaction cost calculations are required to comply with the full PRIIPs method. This requires the collection, gathering and verification of historical arrival price market data to perform and deliver calculated results. ArcRegulatory® is purpose-built and ready today to help you stay compliant with the full PRIIPs transaction cost calculation method. 

As part of DFIN's Arc Suite® end-to-end solution, ArcRegulatory gives you:


Ingests, verifies and analyses client-supplied market data or data collected via our APIs through market data providers to perform transaction cost calculations only, or full PRIIPs EPT, PRIIPs KID and MiFID II EMT report production. 


Gathers market data / arrival prices through integrated APIs connected to market data providers (collecting intra-day, opening and previous 
closing prices).


All data, calculations and reports are fully contained inside ArcRegulatory, ensuring the highest levels of security for your organisation.

Business Logic Integration 

Applies validation and analysis over inbound data to verify quality. Seamlessly applies the new PRIIPs calculation method through cascade logic for transactions where no market data is available.

Market Data Dashboard

Market data dashboard provides real-time visibility over status, compliance tolerances, ratios and business rules.

Rely on DFIN’s experience and industry expertise for all of your PRIIPs and MiFiD II reporting requirements

You can depend on the industry expertise and regulatory knowledge of DFIN’s professional service team to provide guidance and ensure compliance throughout the calculation and report-generation process. As a global market leader, you can be confident that DFIN can support the complexity that the full PRIIPs method for transaction cost calculation demands.


live PRIIPs clients

Including global asset managers, insurers, fund administrators


PRIIPs KIDs produced per annum


prices per year

DFIN collects in excess of one million prices per year to perform transaction cost calculations

6 years

of experience

DFIN’s ArcRegulatory solution has been performing full PRIIPs transaction cost calculations since the adoption of the PRIIPs regulations in 2018

Streamline EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) disclosures

DFIN can help you seamlessly manage your prospectus and SFDR disclosures and annexes. ArcPro® is purpose-built for the creation and management of high-volume multilingual prospectuses, pre-contractual disclosures (PCD), periodic disclosures (PD) and web disclosures for Article 8 and Article 9 funds. 

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Stay compliant with full PRIIPs transaction cost calculations