Pitch Perfect: Warum eine aussagekräftige Markengeschichte entscheidend für den Erfolg des Börsengangs ist

Scott Pinkner has assisted with many IPOs over his career. As a managing director at DFIN, he and his team of experts have helped many firms navigate their transition from private to public companies.

Unter Druck: Neue DSGVO-Regel macht Datensicherheit zur Chefsache

Here’s news worth monitoring. Ohio lawmakers passed a handful of bills before heading into the 2018 summer break. One of those, Senate Bill 220, includes legal protection for companies that suffer a data breach, provided they had reasonable security controls in place when the incident occurred. Governor John Kasich signed the legislation in early August.

Mit gemeinsamen Kräften: KI-gestützte Sicherheitsorchestrierung bietet wesentliche Vorteile

It’s a familiar tune, with a twist. In today’s fast-paced digital world, there’s an ever-growing demand for cybersecurity to become more automated, integrated and accelerated. Now, industry stakeholders like Donnelley Financial Solutions (DFIN) are responding with security orchestration — a shift in the application of technology that allows security tools to work together seamlessly as an independent system, with minimal human involvement.

Die DSGVO verstehen: DFIN unterstützt Sie dabei

The European Union’s GDPR took effect in May 2018. As the first major update to data protection laws in the EU since 1995, it combines previous data protection directives into a single, comprehensive regulation — one of its main advantages.

But what if your organization is based outside EU borders? Do you need to concern yourself with all that the GDPR covers?